A quality web design is often difficult and extremely expensive to come by. There are literally hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of web designers out there to choose from. The task of sitting down and finding the right company or individual to handle your web design project can be incredibly daunting especially if you are on a very tight budget or under a fast approaching deadline.
Thanks to a software movement known as Open Source there is a quick and simple solution for anyone under those kinds of web design constraints. Open Source is a philosophy popular in the programming and software industry that basically refers to code or design that is given away to be used or modified at no cost. With each passing year, Open Source is catching on in the web design world.
There are a wide variety of Open Source web site templates that you can choose from. A quick search on any popular search engine for the term "open source templates" will result in a ton of quality resources.
By using a template that is Open Source you can have a fresh and attractive looking site up and running within a few minutes. This will not only help save you time but since these templates are free you'll be saving an incredible amount of money as well. Web designer prices run a wide range these days but it's not uncommon for a simple site to cost several hundred dollars to start. That's not only too high priced for many people but the time it takes to get the work done can sometimes be frustrating.
As with all things, there are some downsides to using an Open Source template. First, if you're not familiar with concepts like HTML you're going to still need to hire someone to modify the template to suit your needs. Second, most Open Source templates are generally of high quality and have attractive designs but they can be rather simple in their design. This is done to make the template as useful to as many people as possible but you'll probably want to modify the look a bit to make it more your own. That leads into the third drawback of using an Open Source template: originality. If you leave the template unmodified there's a very good chance there will be other sites on the web that look incredibly similar to your own.
Those three downsides shouldn't be enough for you to dismiss using Open Source templates. The savings in time and money make them an incredibly viable option for anyone looking into a new web design for their current or planned sites.
AskGraphics is professional website design service provider. Askgraphics specializes in web design, blog design and ecommerce solutions