Saturday, April 25, 2009

Become Part of Site Build Family As You Build Your Own Website

You too can build own website with a little knowledge of the basics and the ability to follow certain easily explained instructions. But why do you need to build your website? In these trying times, the only recipe for success is to build your own website that can attract traffic and customers. For small businesses, online is the only portal where they can succeed as times are very difficult these days. You too can build own website with a little technological knowledge.

But before you go about building own website you have to know your target audience or customers. What sort of business are you in to? What stuff you need to sell or market? Is there anything special you need to give out to the customers? And who would they most likely be? After all these days the web has become the basic forum as well as the backbone of all small businesses. They need successful recipes for success and that can only be available and replicated again online.

But it is not everywhere you get the right information to build own website as there are chances that you can fall in a trap. Many advertise success rates that you haven't verified and checked out. Much of their marketing depends on promising things they cannot deliver or that is unrealistic. When they talk about their charges, they also quote figures that would raise your eyebrows not because they are very expensive, but they are so unbelievably cheap. Can they really offer quality products at such unthinkable prices? You need to ask yourself before you think of using their services to build own website.

What happens is that you get hands-on tools and guides that you can know about when you read the reviews, clicking here and knowing how their success rates are proven and verified. You can build own website easily with some basic knowledge and easy steps.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Importance of a Well Designed Website

In today's economy, Internet savvy business owners are realizing the importance of operating a website for their online presence. More and more businesses are switching from traditional marketing to online advertising as a way to combat the economic downturn. Businesses should make it a priority to put their efforts into recession-proof marketing techniques. These start with a well designed web site.

A well designed web site is not just pretty; it must have good content and be "search engine friendly". When choosing a web design company, be sure to ask if they create Search Engine Optimized sites. Sites that contain content, links, and html code that gets noticed by search engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN. This is key. You can spend a lot of time and effort getting a beautiful web site, but if no comes to it what good is it?

Now that you have chosen a web designer who will be sure your site meets Web 2.0 standards, what do you put on the site? Here are some keys to good content and site organization.

• Provide credible, original content in as many forms as possible.

• Update your site regularly, providing valuable, timely information.

• Share everything you learn.

• Target your site's content to your users needs.

• Be sure your site loads quickly, use optimized graphic file sizes.

• Make your site easy to read.

• Use interactivity to engage users.

• Make a well-organized site structure.

• Become the expert in your field.

• Have a secure site if you are selling online.

• What's on your web site

• Where to find it.

• How to contact you

• Why they should explore further

Everything else is just gravy. Most people will spend approximately 8-10 seconds looking at a homepage and deciding to stay or move on to somewhere else. It is called a homepage because it is the "home camp" of your web site. It is where visitors can return to, to continue exploring your site. It should thus look a little different from the rest of your site.

A common homepage mistake is to write too much. Most visitors do not read your home page, they scan it. There are billions of sites out there, who has the time to read every homepage. This is why it is important to make the homepage simple and concise. Let them know what is on your site and why they need to explore further. Create links leading to more detailed content on separate pages. The content on your web pages should be written with your visitors as well as the search engines in mind. Include the keywords or keyword phrases that pertain to your business. This way the search engines "robots" will detect the high relevance of your site when people search for the keywords that you have chosen.

Behind the scenes there is a lot going on as well. That is why it is important to choose a reputable web designer or firm. These are the invisible things that visitors do not see, but benefit from nonetheless. It is the "stuff" that gets your site noticed by the search engines and making your business easy to find on the web.

Some of the "invisible" includes:

* Architecture

* Technology Choices

* SEO Planning

* Graphic Design

* Programming

* Content Production

* Marketing and Promotion

* Maintenance Strategy

Build THE website you need to increase your brand awareness, grow your business, and explode sales.

For more information on Website Design visit