Monday, July 27, 2009

Web Design - Why Your Business Needs It

If you are reading this, you probably have some knowledge in how to design a web site, and you definitely have the desire to do so! If you are not proficient with web design, you can always use a free website that helps you design it yourself. Most professionals like to host their own sites though, especially if they are promoting a product or business.

The first thing you should know when you get down to the nitty gritty of creating your site, is that you want a sleek, professional look. Don't distract visitors with too many graphics and flashy colors. Secondly, always design your site with the reader in mind. What do you think they want? Make sure your site is easy for them to find, easy to read, and products are easy to order. Next, make sure that your home page is simple and runs fast- big flashy intros can be cool, but they also might detract visitors from coming back.

Another very important aspect of web design is your text. Always use professionally-written text- no spelling or grammar errors, and easy to read sentences- or you simply will not keep visitors coming back. Make sure your page is easy to understand and easy for readers to skim. You can do this by breaking up information into sections and not just adding long paragraphs.

Remember too, that headings are great, as they help direct visitors to the portion of your site that they are most interested in. Finally, make the site easy to navigate. Web design is not always easy, but it can be fun when you make your page fabulous!

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Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

How a Business Website Can Play a Vital Role in the Success of a Business

he main purpose of businesses big or small is to run at a profit and make money. With the tremendous development of the Internet in recent years the Business Website has become a handy tool for the success of many a business. The Business Website can no longer be ignored. It has come to stay and organizations that continue to ignore this or do not give sufficient importance for the need of a website are certainly at a disadvantage and missing out on the many benefits that websites offer.

A professional looking business website adds credibility to your business and can impress a website visitor even if yours is a comparatively small business.

Projecting a good image is of vital importance for your business and having your website address in your Business Cards, Letter heads, e-mails and all other correspondence material certainly will do just that.

Full information of your business activities and images of products and prices can be displayed making it very convenient for your regular customers and website visitors.

You can regularly update your website with the latest information about your products and services. It is much quicker, easier and cost effective to update a website than print based media. Furthermore all special promotions and discounts can be regularly displayed to attract new customers.

One of the great advantages of a website is that it is very much cheaper and economical to advertise your products as compared to that of the media such as the TV, Radio and the Press.

Though your business might work only from 9.00 to 5.00, your website will be accessible to customers right round the clock 24/7, accepting orders locally, nationally or even globally thus vastly increasing the profitability of your business The present day life style is quite different from what it was some years ago. Time factor plays a major role in today's life style. Customers who work late hours can take advantage of this and make their purchases online thus increasing your sales.

Testing of new products can be easily undertaken in your website without resorting to a market survey which is expensive. By having a poll or a questionnaire in your website, you can easily obtain the response of your visitors and customers about all your new products.

By using proper keywords and optimizing the content of your website your business can be made searchable in the Internet thus bringing more visitors to your site and increasing your sales.

The presence of a website saves a lot of time and effort for both the business organization and customer. Businesses can direct most inquires about products and prices to their website for information. The customers too could in turn browse the website from the comfort of their homes as and when it is convenient for them. This is in fact a win win situation for the customers and the businesses concerned.

Establishing an online presence is very vital for businesses today. Customers are taking this for granted. A good professional looking business website can play an integral part in boosting the image of your business and help you beat the competition.

Copyright © 2009 Kanaga Siva.

To learn more check out Expert Author Kanaga Siva's Business from Home website and Internet Marketing Blog where you will find more Tips, Ideas and Business Opportunities for starting and operating a successful business.

Friday, July 03, 2009

Importance of Design in a Web Site

Design is an important factor that persuades buyers of any product. This is true even when buying a T-shirt from a shop. A shabby looking product, even if it is priced low is not given a second look. In a T-shirt, the material is important, but the first impression is created by its design and design alone.

The same rule applies to web pages. A trendy and professional website attracts more visitors than a shoddy one. Matching color schemes, correct use of graphics and optimum resolution, font and font size are all constituents of a good design.

Let us analyze the value of design using two hypothetical situations.

Web site A: A well-designed website with amazing graphics, color schemes matching the theme of the site and resolution, font and text size set for easy and convenient viewing.

Web site B: A web site where irrelevant and low-quality graphics are cramped into the limited space. The color scheme is too bright and mismatching with the theme. Fanciful font and too small font size making reading a strain.

A visitor to the web site A feels at home and spends more time on the web pages, which may result in a sale. The visitors to this site are impressed by the design and form a positive image of the company.

A visitor to the web site B is turned off by the jarring notes and does not hesitate a second to move on. The lack of co-ordination of the theme, colors, graphics and illegible text creates a bad impression about the organization.

To avoid including the wrong components in a web page, get feedback from prospective visitors. A plain site with proper design is any day better than a flashy one.

Johny Kapilakan is a professional web designer, specializes in affordable web design for small to medium business . You can learn more about his professional web design skill by visiting