Thursday, March 12, 2009

Web Design Communication

Your website says a lot, in fact it says everything. So make sure it is really saying what you want it to say. Your website speaks directly to your current customer and to potential investors and consumers. So, you need to know how to effectively communicate with your web designer, even if it's just you!

You Are Designing Your Site

If you have the necessary skills to design a fantastic website, good for you! You may have no communication problems...or you may have too many. One of the most difficult things to do when running your own business is remove yourself and look at something objectively. You put all of the effort and hours into your business, and the same goes for your website. You may think it looks great. But will your customer?

There are two main problems in designing your own website: it may look amateurish and there may be one too many errors. So, to get past this, go to your favorite websites. Why do you like these sites so much? Are they full of high quality pictures? Is it easy to navigate? Is the information right where you need it to be? Finally, is the overall look professional?

Communicating With Your Web Designer

You know what you want, now get it. Only you can tell your designer what you want. If they don't want to listen, find a different designer. More than likely you chose them because they have a strong portfolio and you want your design to reflect that. If you aren't quite getting what you want, don't be afraid to tell them. Remember though, just like you might be emotionally tied to your work, your designer might be too. So communicate tactfully.

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Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

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